Welcome to my world of robots, typewriters, Billy Joel, ghosts, 3D prints, China, toilet paper, and more! I’m always ready for a good collaboration or commission, so please don’t hesitate to drop me a line!
I’m not sure where this project will go, and that’s good. Embracing randomness and technology, I enlisted the help of a robot, Smaggy, to assist me in creating visual art. I do not know how to categorize or take full ownership of these pieces because I am not the sole author, hence super magnificent was born: an art brand, umbrella, lightning rod, curated space, whatever it wants to be, to help me sort my way through geometry and color. Eventually, SM aspires to be a community where other lost, “not-artists” can come together and make art.
me | smaggy
The gear
I love typewriters. I don’t know if I’m collecting or hoarding, but I have many. They each have their own feel. I like to type on things. I like to type.
Below are some exercises in typing and collaborations with some really cool artists.

1972 IBM Selectric I (current weapon of choice)

1970’s Hermes 3000

1956 Royal Aristocrat

1960’s Sears Newport

Top: 1960's Underwood Five (Wide Carriage) Bottom: 1961 IBM Selectric I

1970 IBM Executive

Modified Smith Corona

This guy? Don't worry about this guy.

My TProject. Typed out an entire roll. Ended up being a pretty sh*tty story.